Category: Marketing

How to improve your business with a freelance retreat

How to improve your business with a freelance retreat Freelance retreat

Being a freelancer or small business owner has many benefits. You can choose your hours, choose your clients, choose your service offerings…but one of the downsides is that it’s easy to fall into a rut. If you don’t take the time to reflect and plan, you may end up finding yourself working reactively instead of […]

Why images are important for your website

Why images are important for your website goldenweb web design clients

The saying “a picture tells a thousand words” is especially true when it comes to websites. Unless you are researching something highly technical or academic, no one likes opening a website and being hit with a wall of dense text. Images not only play a role in making your web design more attractive, they are […]

Why your business needs a marketing persona

Why your business needs a marketing persona

A what, you say? A marketing person? No. A marketing persona. Also known as a customer persona, buyer persona, user persona, audience persona… you get the idea. What is a persona? A persona is a detailed description of a fictional person that represents your ideal customer. It isn’t based on a single customer or client […]